Ecocriticism: A Brief Introduction

Ilyass Chetouani
2023 / 4 / 19

Ecocriticism is a political and green-based approach to literary works. It is the conglomeration of environmental progress attained in philosophy, social, and political theories. Advocating the perceptions of early theories such as ecofeminism, deep ecology, and environmental justice, ecocriticism claims an overall approach to literary and social studies. The theory aims at testing a certain text s efficiency in terms of adequacy in regard to the environmental crisis. Ecology is per sei normative, yet moral and political orientation of the ecocritic is fundamental.
Academically speaking, ecocriticism is dominated by the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE), yet the field carries a continuation of an ongoing rethinking and redefinition of culture s most embedded notions.
Ecocriticism by Greg Garrard can be cited as paragon. It tackles problems relating to environment and deals with them from cultural and scientific lenses. The book offers a myriad of perspectives regarding the environment. First of all, cornucopia. Cornucopians believe that human wellbeing has augmented in proportion to economic, technological, and social progress. It is not capitalism alone that reacts to problems, they claim, but entrepreneurs also can interact with consumers ang government laws. Nature, in this view, is valued merely in terms of its usefulness to humans. Second, environmentalism. Represented mainly such environmental organizations as the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, Green Peace and Audubon Society, they are interested by mainstream problems like natural resource scarcity and pollution, and their achievements in promulgating organic culture is highly acclaimed. Yet, they are still impaled to government and non-government organizations as imperium to provide regulations and solutions. Third, deep ecology. As a form of environmentalism, it demands an ecological turn and a full recognition of nature s intrinsic value.
As opposed to shallow approaches, the field discusses the dualistic mindset separating humans from nature adopted by western philosophy and culture as the essential cause of the current environmental crisis. Ecocentrism, as a reaction to anthropocentrism, is a key notion within the field. Its premises lies in an ecocentric view of nature, in which the equilibrium and stability of the biosphere is of the highest priority.

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