Crawling in Darkness

Dr. Jamshid Ibrahim
2007 / 7 / 16

Crawling in Darkness
It opened and I entered. When it closed behind me it was black, black, pitch-dark inside. Moving around didn’t make sense for I couldn’t see anything. I stopped and sat down. Sitting didn’t make sense either. In fact nothing made sense anymore. I reached the darkest point. There was nothing I could do now and I fell with abandonment. Yes, I said: Now it is time to give in. There fell a deep silence and every inch of my tense muscles relaxed.

I didn’t need my eyes or ears nor did walking make sense. I took off all my clothes and moved at a crawl. Then doubts began creeping into my mind and tiredness crept over me. But my hands and sense of smell kept me awake. I touched the ground with my hands and could smell something a mile. This went on for sometime until I could adapt myself to darkness completely. The slow movements however made me cold and I started shivering. I took hold of my clothes and wrapped myself in them. Then the darkness started radiating heat. I sweated, threw away my clothes and went on crawling naked.

The crawling made me feel some pain in my hands and legs. I sweated blood with fear but my eyes and brain stood out for the loss I continuously felt. The showers of pain I put on ceased now growing for I was stripped bare. The showers of sweat dropped down my body from the heat of the darkness. I was dripping with sweat and with every drop I felt lighter and cleaner. Nothing surrounded me now. Everything in me melted. I melted into the background into a stream of water at the first light. Then I pulled a muscle until it became tense again.

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