The Magic in Three

Dr. Jamshid Ibrahim
2008 / 5 / 9

There is magic in three. You and me lead to him or her, the basis for a nuclear entity guaranteeing survival. You and me merge in love and climax to him or her building a triangle relationship. The two are genetically destined to dissolve in three. He or she comes from you and me but I comes from him and her. No wonder, I and you split in him and her. The duality of you and me lead to the plural them. All good things come in threes. Two is the company of you and me but three is red, green and blue generating different colors as with the play of consonants and the vowel triangle.

But Triangulation is a form of splitting or involving a third when a human entity is in disharmony or when only the object is the centre of interest. It is compromise, a synthesis of thesis and antithesis or convention as with the semiotic triangle, a product of human mind. They come and go in threes. Three is the limit you don’t go beyond.

Bremen, 04 May 2008

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