Statement around aggressions on universities

ahmed hussien ali
2008 / 5 / 9

Increased in recent attacks on universities in Baghdad, has claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent students, the latest suicide bombing, which targeted the Faculty of Administration and Economy - Mustansiriyah University, has has killed more than forty martyrs and forty wounded.

Such attacks aimed at terrorism tranche student to kill the scientific spirit and create a society in which spread Alkhalravat and reactionary ideas, concepts and lose his humanity find these criminals that students pass despite the difficult circumstances of the country of occupying and terrorism and the domination of reactionary political forces that Strive to politicize founded by educational institutions and transformed into a religious proselytizing and trying to make a photo exhibits and dominance of the militias, in spite of all that students continue their path of scientific, humanitarian and progressive refusing occupation and find a scenario in which black reactionary forces to pass and to impose on society.

About all this, highlights the need for unity is strength of students for six by enabling them to withstand and continue their path of scientific and progressive, therefore call on all students to the Liberal engage in activities of the Student Federation of Labour are working together to consolidate the concepts of student life sound aspiring to achieve scientific progress and freedom Secularism, equality and educational institutions and within society.

Long live the struggle of students Liberal!

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