poverty is crime

nouisel abdsalam
2008 / 6 / 30

Before talking about the intimate relationship between poverty and crime,i would like first of all to define them.Of course,not all people in this universe should be the same in terms of the way they live,or the position they belong to within the social classes’ circle.

Poverty is like a monster who is able to kill any kind of species and therefore eat them.It is darkness in which people become blind and stray away from the right path.Generally speaking,poverty is the formal enemy of all human beings,it sometimes provides people with fake emotions that leads them to behave badly and unhumanlly.Because of poverty many illigale things come to the existence and become thus part of human’s lives.In simple term,it is the source of the bad actions that threaten and distabilize the human living condition socially,economically,politically,and educationally.

With no doubt,that the most common action which is originally caused by poverty is simply crime.The term “crime” becomes commonly used in all parts of the globe.Crime is absolutly sin that all people commit whether conciously or unconciously.To make it more abvious,there is not only one act indicates crime,but there are many acts indicate it.For instence,kill a person,commit suicide,steal things from others’ houses,snatch watchs and necklaces from people’s hands and necks,for women and girls who get themselves into the prostitution process,take bribes from others and the like.

If we go back to what Freud said about the human personality,we will find that he devides it into three parts,namely the Ego,the Super Ego,and the Id.This latter is the hot part which stores the taboos and socially unaccepted behaviours,but the Ego and the Super Ego can control the Id completly so that nobody commits a crime.Despite the fact that the syche(Ego and Super Ego)would control the Id and prevent it from doing bad behaviours,however,it defeats them and finally drives a man to commit a crime.So,from all what we have discussed concerning the Freudian spychoanalisis of human personality,we spychologically conclude that crime is generally done when a man is out of control.

Nowadays,millions of people all over the world suffer from poverty,especially in the muslim and arab countries.Most families in these areas live nearly on one dollar a day,whereas some don t have a cent but they survive.According to what channels report,a huge number of food protestors are killed by army.They feel hungry,that s why they do so.But governments misunderstand them,and simply concider them the outlaws and terorists.Accordingly,one must find a way out to survive,which is to turn into a real outlaw by taking illigal actions,such as stealing,robbing and so on.

In this context,we can confess that hunger is a resault not of scarce of food,but of scarce of democracy.This concretely shows that we live a life without democracy,and are completely humiliated by our governments.Let us,for example,take a look at what is going on in Somilia,Etupia,Egypt,Palastine,Iraq and so on.And let us ask ourselves of how many innocent people have been killed through wars and hunger.In fact,the reasons behind this crisis are many.In the postwar years,the world announced a new powerful country to be the leader of all countries beside Soviet Union.this country is the U.S.This latter comfirmed its identity with just two nulear bombs which killed millions of japanese people,and killed the nature too.Because of the recklessness of these two balanced powers,the world has witnessed various kinds of wars,such as civil wars,race wars,ethnic wars and the list is long.These wars actually took place in africa(in the third world countries)which is considered the source of wars in favor of the U.S and S.U(soviet union).

As long as poverty exists,various crimes occur among the individuals.Especially,when money becomes the basic and important element in all societies.In other words,the money-is-the-power-and-power-is-the-money attitude possesses humans minds and hearts,and leads them to make such bad treatments to each other.For instance,it is impossible that a poor man has the right to make decissions and give orders,whereas a rich man does have.Because money plays a big role in granting the absolute power to its owner.In this case,poorers seek ways to get power as rich people,but these ways include illigal actions in which many crimes occur.

In a word,poverty and crime will remain a controversial issue,while one is stemed from the other.So,if there is no brilliant and relevant solutions to cease poverty throughout the world,crimes will take place and human lives will be destroyed completely.

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