the exploitation of the innocent souls

nouisel abdsalam
2008 / 11 / 28

At present,all eyes turn to a side in which serious,dangerous phenomenon takes place.People who have been involved in this hiding side felt great pain and sorrow,because they were humiliated and remote-controlled.Human trafficking is that phenomenon im talking about,and which becomes the actual problem to all human beings.

In the beginning,i hope that people do not put a heavy blame on women and girls who are considered protitutes,because are forced into prostitution against their well.On this basis,we should define the human trafficking process to know the deepest points which lead us to a full knowledge about the reasons behind it.Actually,it is shame to define the term "human trafficking",still it is obligatory to do so for to realize what is wrong with dirty-minded and brainless people who bring about such socially distructive actions into existence.Let s define them separately,we all know the meaning of the word human,it simply means you,me and every living being.On the other hand,trafficking is said to mean illegal,can anyone of you tell me why human traffick in human?

Many people think that all women and girls who are trafficked are prostitutes.because people do not take into consideration the main reasons that push prostitutes into prostitution.Trafficked women are beaten,raped and abused in order to pursue the instructions and orders that traffickers make.In fact,traffickers seem to have great importance and personality to innocent women who itch to go abroad for getting job opportunities to earn much money,but they give them only false promises.They use a magic language to steal their minds and hearts,and therefore traffick in them.In this context,im trying hard to show some convencing ways that traffickers establish to coax and tempt those innocent women and girls.They give them promises that based on finding good jobs to suport themselves,their children and family.unfortunately,women who easily fall into the trap of trafficking lack educational basics and experience.The phrase human trafficking embraces many related words to give a full meaning and comprehensive understanding,such as recruitment,transportation,harbouring,or receipt of people for the purposes of slavery,forced labor,including bonded labor,and servitude.Since it means illegal trade we spontanously figuer out that people can be bought and sold as exactly as products.For instance,if we go on a journey back to the ancient history,we will find that the process of human trafficking is more or less similar to that of slavery.This slight comparison can show us the most common features between these two phenomena,in the sense that both are based on selling and buying humans.Neverthless,the human trafficking is done secretly and indirectly,whereas slavery done publicly and directly.

Having mentioned this,the trafficked women do not know anything about their families and so do they.traffickers chase them by making tricks and giving false promises,then catch them and put them in a place where they can not return to the place before.That is to say,they pretend that they help the innocent women and girls to go abroad for work,but are not taken directly to the workplace,they finally find themselves sold and put in brothels,where men pay to have sex with prostitutes.What is strange in this matter is that it is not easy to get used to an environment which you have never been before;that is why the trafficked women get shocked and sick of being sold and sexually abused and exploited.Besides,they are put behind the bars as hostages,and their legal papers and passports taken from them forcelly in order not to have the right to go back home if they escape.Here is a story about a rusian trafficked girl,the title is "She is a Queen".It discusses some aspects of this phenomenon and teaches human an important lesson to avoid trafficking.The rusian girl is promised to go abroad and gets a job to help herself and family,but the man is one of the mafia of human trafficking.Still,she goes to the place she has been told and finds it full of beautiful girls.Accordingly,she realizes that the place she is in is a brothel.she is not allowed to go back home or contact her family.

Let s stop here and ask ourselves about the fundamental reasons that turn free women and girls into slaves and trafficked persons.with no doubt that one of these reasons is poverty.Poor people are always ready to risk their necks in order to be rich or at least to survive.When a woman does not find a job to support herself she tends to find a way out to get money,but that way might cause problems to her instead.Some women are divorced and have children to take care of,others are singles and professionals in something but do not have a chance to work yet,so,they are horribly poor.For this reason,traffickers take the advantage of the miserable situation of those women and give them false promises to take them away from their homes and sell them for to be used for sex.When poverty attacks,people can commit felony,steal and rob,for women and girls to become prostitutes,some are tempted and convinced by traffickers to go abroad and have a job.Therefore,the need for money leads innocent women and girls to be the victims of human trafficking process.The second reason is more concerned with unemployment.In this case,people who are master degree and dipmomas holders get confused of being unemployees,although they have the access to occupy a place in the job world.Just look around you and you find out that thousands of people can do something to their countries and change the world,yet they are not entitled to work for economic and plitical reasons.In other words,they become the victims of the society being having something and getting nothing,in the end.So traffickers use this opportunity to grab employees attention in order to put them in the circle of trafficking.Let s be honest to say that no one can let an opportunity to slip from his/her hands no matter what side it comes from,your relative,friend of yours or unknown people s side.Because your eyes are only focusing on the job rather than its offer-er,and also there is no time to scratch your head over it.Due to unemployment,women and girls can easily be trafficked and lost somewhere in this world without their families know about them.As far as reasons of human trafficking are concerned,illeteracy is found to be one of the most salient reasons that paves the way for traffickers to trafick innocent and illiterate women and girls.That means,lack of education and orientation to some women gives the incentive to traffickers to convince them easily.

All in all,human trafficking is a dangerous phenomenon that causes serious problems to innocent women and girls being trafficked and tricked easily.Unless governments,international associations and non-government organisations endeavour to find solutions to this phenomenon and end it up at all,people will still suffer from its consequences and be the victim of it.

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