2010 / 2 / 6


CGIL, CISL and UIL condemn the Iranian government’s decision to carry out nine more death sentences for dissidents who took part in the protests in the wake of the disputed presidential elections of ۱۲ June ۲۰۰۹. These additional executions follow on the hanging on ۲۸ January of this year of two young dissidents, inflicted as an unacceptable warning for all those who intend to take to the streets for freedom and democracy, including on ۱۱ February, the anniversary of the Iranian Revolution.
CGIL, CISL and UIL condemn the constant violations of political and trade-union rights and discrimination against women, religious and ethnic minorities—rights that have been violently and arbitrarily repressed. They ask President Ahmadinejad to revoke the death sentences and free the arrested dissidents as a placatory gesture aimed at easing tension.
CGIL, CISL and UIL ask that the Italian government, the European Union and the United Nations Security Council swiftly enact the appropriate political, economic and trade sanctions against the Iranian regime in order to put a halt to this last of many violations of the moratorium on the death penalty approved within the UN.
Respect for human, trade-union, political, and religious rights, the liberation and reintegration into the workplace of all opponents, and respect for international treaties on nuclear power are the conditions for true democracy and the establishment of the rule of law.
CGIL, CISL and UIL support the struggles of thousands of workers subject to severe repression for having dared to form independent trade unions in transport, agriculture and education sectors.
CGIL, CISL and UIL invite workers, peace activists and supportes of human rights to engage in immediate mobilization and rally on ۵ February at ۱۰:۳۰ AM in front of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Rome at Via Nomentana ۳۶۳.
Signatures against the death penalty will be gathered during the event.
Roma, ۳ February ۲۰۱۰

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