Your Perfect Teacher

Maria Khalife
2010 / 2 / 26

"The difference between school and life? In school, you re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you re given a test that teaches you a lesson." ~ Tom Bodett

Life is Your Perfect Teacher

In our business lives; we sometimes wish we had a coach or guru to lean on to help us with our decisions. We frequently think it would be wonderful to defer to someone with a higher level of leadership. Not everyone has someone like this in their lives, and yet each of us has a formidable teacher always beside us, and that is our life itself.

Our business lives provide us with people and experiences on a daily basis replete with opportunity if we are open to accepting this wisdom. After all, the person at the next desk, or the manager down the hall doesn t look like a guru, and yet, if we are on the alert, we can see their wise teachings. Sometimes what they show us is "what to do" and often, the lesson is "what NOT to do." Tucked into every interface we have is a lesson. Some of them are insignificantly small and some are of enormous impact. Each of them is precisely what we need to learn at that time in life s classroom.

I find it of great help to remind myself daily of the following:
• My life is my best coach.
• Today, I ll be alert for the lessons.
• I am open to receiving the wisdom from today s lessons.
You may ignite the success you so enjoy and desire more of if you think about what your life is trying to teach you each day. The administrative assistant who arrives late may be teaching you compassion. The middle manager who drafts an inventive proposal may be teaching you to recognize the good. Being late for an appointment may be teaching you humility and flexibility.

The gift box is seldom empty, regardless of how well or how poorly it is wrapped. You can trust your mind to give you the perfect lessons. Lean into it; ask as many questions as you need to; be open to hear the answers that your life will provide you.

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