Don’t die with the music still in you!

Maria Khalife
2010 / 4 / 15

Don’t die with the music still in you!

"One s real life is often the life that one does not lead." ~ Oscar Wilde
Each of us is alive; therefore, each of us is Life Itself and it needs each of us. We are here to discover what we are supposed to express while we are here; which life lesions we are supposed to learn; what our purpose is; what feelings we are supposed to share with our fellow Lifers. Most important of all, we are here to discover what our own passion is.
Discovering Your Purpose
Within your core, is the purpose you have been most drawn to from the beginning. You conjure up desires, and then you think about them. At some point, you feel certain about what you most want. Inside you are a lifetime of all the thoughts you ve thought and the feelings you have felt. To discover your purpose, look at how you ve traditionally felt about things in your life. When your heart swells up with joy and interest, and you honor your heart-felt sureness, you will be dancing to your own music, and you will be sharing your passion with your fellow man.
If You Aren t Tuned In To Your Feelings
Many of us are following paths in education, or career that were chosen for us by some other, like a parent or a partner. If their dream for you isn t your dream for you, a dichotomy is set up and you will feel uncomfortable. Discomfort is a dissonant tune your consciousness plays to say "Hey! You are off track from your own wishes, wants, desires and your true purpose for being here." If you decide to listen to another, your own consciousness will sing that song faster and louder to get your attention. These tunes will have one thing in common: you will be very uncomfortable.
The only way back to comfort is to discover your own purpose and begin to pursue it. Stop following someone else s music. Your own music, your own tunes, your own drummer: that s the goal.

What Limits Your Passion?
When you are doing what you have been sent here to do, you will feel completely satisfied, totally comfortable, highly accomplished, and you will see that others on this earth are benefiting from what you do. Only two things can keep you from discovering your passion:
Doubt and Fear
If you permit doubt or fear in your life, you will be following the advice of others vs. your own; you will be seeking their approval vs. your own; you ll hide out at home vs. stepping out into your own pursuits.
You deserve to live your life according to your own dreams: enjoyment, success, happiness and fine health. Learn your life lessons, your purpose. Tune in to your feelings. Go inside of yourself and see what drum beats loudly in there. Find what you are passionate about and follow your own music.
"If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world." ~ Mercedes Lackey

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