I Love to Change

Maria Khalife
2010 / 5 / 17

I Love to Change

“Awake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.”
~ Teilhard de Chardin

In his mythical adventure “Illusions,” Richard Bach told a story of creatures who clung to the roots growing out of the sides of a creek. Their entire life was about “clinging to the side” and “resisting” because if they let go, their fears would come true: they’d be tumbled and bashed on the rocks; they’d encounter unfriendliness; any manner of horrible things would happen if they quit clinging to the side. What actually happened to one brave creature who let go and allowed himself to be carried by the current? He was delightedly lifted by the river and discovered that his true work is the voyage, the adventure.

It’s quite easy to think about a distant, mythical clinging creature, but did you recognize some of yourself in there? Are you afraid to change and find it much easier to cling and remain the same? If you stayed in bed all day, you surely could prevent becoming hurt, but would you progress? It would take you as much courage as Bach’s creature to let go and move into changing.

Why is change good? It’s the only thing about Life’s ways that remains consistent, and if you look at Nature, you can see it changing and unfolding in lovely ways. It’s early spring as I write this and the crocus outside my office window slowly open as the sun comes up every day, and then slowly close as it goes down at night. The crocus are wide open and gorgeous during the day.

I think that is a great example for each of us. Arise with the anticipation that there will be sunshine (good things) for us today. Open ourselves through the courage to receive whatever comes throughout the day and allow the action to take us through the experience. Then retire to our own inside self in anticipation of resting for the next adventure, the next voyage.

Because the thoughts you think inside your mind creates the events you experience, a way to embrace change is to observe closely how you’re thinking.

• What do you habitually think about success?
• What do you habitually think about relationships?
• What do you habitually think about luck?
• Take a few notes after each question.

What you think about truly is what you get, so it’s important to become pristinely aware of what you’re thinking. If you want money, prosperity, and the perfect mate but you are habitually thinking “Poverty is my lot” or “I’ll never be the business success he is” or “I sure know how to pick them!” you perhaps can see how you are creating the events you have been experiencing. You can change all this.

We have the ability to change because it’s part of the life we are. Ponds that don’t change become stagnant. Where there is no fresh air, it gets stale. But life itself moves, grows, bends, and changes constantly. It’s one heck of an example to all of us that we should change as naturally as nature does.

Every change that comes your way is your own consciousness nudging you to unfold more of the magnificence of yourself. It’s a pat on the back that you are ready to accomplish this next bit of “more.”

Pleasantness, agreeableness and adaptability are three key virtues you can use to move easily and harmoniously into change. It will lead you to unfold more of the wonder that you are.

Take Action Now

Where do you most need to change? What area in your life nudges you most because you don’t like the way it is, or you simply want more? What steps can you take today to create more in this area? You deserve to change!

“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.”
~ Alan Cohen

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