Modern Discussion - Mobile - Political campaigns,campaigns for the defense of human rights and freedom of opinion and conscience DETAINEES
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Trump wants to reopen talks with Iran, but is the West ready to change its approach?
Najah Mohammed Ali
2025 / 3 / 10
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The inaction syndrome
Mohey Eldin Gharib
2025 / 1 / 23
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The new regime in Syria
Hassan Madbooly
2025 / 1 / 6
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The Myth of the Sahrawi Republic: Algeria s Political Mirage in the Desert
Zakia Khairhoum
2024 / 10 / 19
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The Myth of the Sahrawi Republic: Algerias Political Mirage in the Desert
Zakia Khairhoum
2024 / 10 / 18
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The anniversary of Nasser�s death: Fifty-four years later, Egyptians still pay for his disastrous policies.
Dr. Ashraf Ramelah
2024 / 9 / 26
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Letter to the UN Secretary General
Abdelgawad Sayed
2023 / 10 / 6
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Independent proletarian class politics is the key to the success of any future revolutionary uprising.
Organisation Of Communist Alternative In Iraq
2023 / 10 / 2
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Iran : Soutien au soul�vement � Femme, Vie, Libert� � - Non aux ex�cutions capitales !
Europe Solidaire Sans Fronti�res
2023 / 2 / 11
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Tehran tripartite summit between Trying to make bargains to solve problems and the difficulty of reconciling opponents
Kawa Nader Qader
2022 / 7 / 21
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U.S. sends wrong signals
Najah Mohammed Ali
2022 / 6 / 18
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Putins empire in the wrong time
Salah El Din Mohssein
2022 / 3 / 31
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Putin is the new Hitler.. Attention all Russians, army and people
Salah El Din Mohssein
2022 / 3 / 20
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Libyan arm-twist in British traditions
Sardar Mesto
2021 / 12 / 18
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Press Release Comrade Nawzad Baban and all the other detainees must be freed immediately
Albadeel Alsheoi
2021 / 12 / 11
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Albadeel Alsheoi
2021 / 12 / 11
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Tunisia: a new popular rebellion!
Gorkem Duru / International Workers� Unity - Fourth International
2021 / 1 / 30
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Building Democratic Societies in the Arab World
Alyaa Alezz
2020 / 10 / 19
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Lebanon - People commit suicide and the United Nations in deaf and mute
Salah El Din Mohssein
2020 / 7 / 9
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Mahmoud Said Kawash
2020 / 6 / 16
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Liberalism and Neoliberalism/The debate of origin and development
Abdulaziz Meslat
2020 / 4 / 18
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Liberalism and Neoliberalism/The debate of origin and development
Abdulaziz Meslat
2020 / 4 / 18
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Abdulaziz Meslat
2020 / 4 / 15
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Why Trump killed al-Baghdadi now
Mahmoud Abbas
2019 / 11 / 2
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la fleure rouge de la r�publique nationale khattabienne d�mocratique socialiste populaire et
Mohammed Mohamed fakkak
2018 / 7 / 14
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� comment r�am�nager notre pays , comment sortir de la grande nuit �
mohammed mohamed fakkak
2018 / 1 / 20
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Why is the rise of the extreme right in America and Europe ?
Mohssein Salah El Din
2017 / 5 / 7
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Calamities make Celebrities (1)
Freeyad Ibrahimh
2016 / 10 / 17
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Ye Mighty and Despair
Freeyad Ibrahim
2016 / 9 / 17
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We are not monsters mr Marco Rubio
Mohanad said
2016 / 2 / 28
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Rabat � la r�publique d�mocratique socialiste populaire r�volutionnaire de l��pervier de la r�volution internationale : le prince Mohammed ibn Abdel Karim el kha tabi.
Mohammad Mohammad Fakak
2016 / 1 / 27
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el mahdi ben baraka, -cest laudace, le courage, les pens�es sereines,une roche, voil� ce quilest, un coeur plein damour dabeilles
mohammed mohammed fakkak
2015 / 10 / 26
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la seule fa�on de trouver des solutions ,des rem�des pour vos probl�mes, alors, marocains,cest la r�volution-;-le conflit,la lutte de classe, la r�sistance
Muhammad Muhammad Fakak
2015 / 10 / 25
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Political campaigns and their role in the formation of political awareness on the part of the individual
hanane saouli
2015 / 8 / 31
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Khouribga � la voie d�mocratique radicale progressiste, r�publicain, avant �garde, socialiste marxiste � l�niniste r�volutionnaire :
Mohammed Mohamed Fakkak
2015 / 7 / 15