Modern Discussion - Mobile - Labor movement and trade unions
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An Iraqi-Turkish security summit in Ankara aims to reach an Iranian-style agreement with Iraq.
Kawa Nader Qader
2023 / 12 / 24
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Counter-Summit Of Social Movements � Marrakech, 12-15 October 2023 - The Call
Counter-summit Of Social Movements-marrakech
2023 / 8 / 10
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World Bank/IMF Meetings: Counter-Summit Of Social Movements � Marrakech, 12-15 October 2023
Counter-summit Of Social Movements-marrakech
2023 / 8 / 9
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Labor market in MENA-;- green solutions
Safwan Dawod
2023 / 6 / 20
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GDP Ranked by Country 2021
Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry
2022 / 8 / 12
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Sri Lanka :��The political mobilisation [NT�: Aragalaya (The citizens� movement)] together with the economic crisis has the potential to reshape the Sri Lankan state and society��.
Stan Miller
2022 / 7 / 18
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Economic Reform and Transformation to the Market Economy in Arab Countries
Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry
2022 / 2 / 23
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France : Gr�ve des postier�e�s du 92 : plus de 14 mois de r�sistance � ce jour et forte d�termination � gagner la bataille !
Hassan Aglagal
2019 / 6 / 13
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France : 100 PostierEs des Hauts-de-Seine et leurs soutiens occupent le si�ge de la Poste � Paris !
Gabriel Martin
2019 / 5 / 30
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Appel des 365 personnalit� spour un soutien financier aux postiers et posti�res des Hauts-de-Seine (France)
Hassan Aglagal
2019 / 4 / 8
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Appel des 365 personnalit�s pour un soutien financier aux postiers et posti�res des Hauts-de-Seine (France)
Hassan Aglagal
2019 / 4 / 8
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� Je suis sur et certain que la lutte des classes reste toujours le moteur de l�histoire �
Mohammed Mohamed fakkak
2018 / 2 / 16
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vive la r�volution rifaine
Mohammed Mohamed fakkak
2017 / 6 / 3
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Khouribga � la r�publique marocaine d�mocratique socialiste populaire le 27/07/2016
Muhammad FAKAK
2016 / 8 / 2
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University of Bahrain - Absolute power , And dispersion of student power - Liberation Bassiouni report
Moosa Rakan Moosa
2016 / 7 / 16
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Was 9/11 a �Natural Disaster�?
Sohel Bahjat
2016 / 6 / 18
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a bas les opportunistes,les arrivistes, les nouveaux chiens de garde royaux imp�rialistes - sionistes. vive la voie d�mocratique radicale marxiste - l�niniste.
Mohammed, Mohamed Fakkak
2015 / 7 / 8
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pour moi-;- il nest Maroc que de la r�volution prol�tarienne contre le r�gime royal injuste-;-anti- nationale, anti- d�mocratique, anti-populaire
Mohammed Mohammed ibn Zahraa ibn Zahraa Fakkak
2015 / 1 / 14
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Daniela Cobet et Marcelo N.
2013 / 12 / 14
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Br�sil : L�esprit de juin est-il de retour ?
Daniel Matos
2013 / 10 / 30
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Trois d�put�s trotskystes au Parlement argentin
Parti des Travailleurs Socialistes d�Argentine
2013 / 10 / 30
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The egyptian Revolution Contiues
H0ssam al-Hamalawi
2011 / 12 / 27
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statement from Socialist Alliance in Australia to Support Egyptian workers and people struggles in face of repression
zeinab Rehim
2011 / 10 / 20
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Feral Capitalism Hits The Streets
David Harvey
2011 / 10 / 17
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letter from Actu
Zainab Rahim Campaign in Solidarity with workers movement in Egypt-Australia
2011 / 10 / 16
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2011 / 10 / 11
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Impending default and the new wave of working class revolt in Greece
Marxistiki Foni Editorial Board
2011 / 10 / 9
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2011 / 10 / 5
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The Wigan Riots
Karl Marx
2011 / 9 / 17
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En andra revolution i Egypten
Emma Lundstr�m
2011 / 7 / 17
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Historys shifting sands
Mark LeVine
2011 / 3 / 1
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Der Mord kam nicht �berraschend
Claudia Wangerin
2011 / 1 / 6