الحوار المتمدن - موبايل
الموقع الرئيسي

المحكمة الجنائية الدولية لمجرمي الحروب

عمر الفاتحي

2008 / 10 / 12
الارهاب, الحرب والسلام

حملة مليون توقيع

لإحالة مجرمي الحرب ضد العراق الى المحكمة الجنائية الدولية لمجرمي الحروب

المحكمة الجنائية الدولية لمجرمي الحروب - لاهاي :
تحية تقدير

بات من الحقائق الموثقة ان غزو العراق سنة 2003 قد بني على جملة من الأكاذيب التي روّجت لها إدارة الرئيس الأمريكي جورج بوش ، بالتعاون مع عملاء عراقيين وايرانيين رافقوا قوات الغزو ، وقد أدت جريمة الإحتلال هذه الى :

اولا : مقتل قرابة مليون عراقي برئ خلال اقل من ست سنوات .
ثانيا : تهجير ستة ملايين إنسان عراقي داخل وخارج البلد.
ثالثا : تلويث البيئة العراقية ببقايا الأسلحة المنضبة نوويا ، مما يهئ لجريمة ابادة بشرية مستمرة ضد الشعب العراقي لملايين من السنوات القادمة .
رابعا : ارتكاب جرائم حرب في معتقلات قوات الإحتلال ، وابرزها ماجرى من تعذيب مناف للقيم والأخلاق في سجن ابو غريب .
خامسا : الإستمرار في القتل العشوائي واعتقال مئات الألوف من العراقيين المناهضين للإحتلال .
سادسا : نشر ثقافة فرق الموت العنصرية ، الطائفية والقومية ، في البلد خلافا لما هو معمول به في العراق قبل الإحتلال .

لذا ندعوكم نحن ( منظمة كتاب عراقيون من أجل الحرية ) مع الموثقة تواقيعهم في ادناه ممن يؤيدون هذه الإحالة الى إستدعاء من خططوا عن سابق تصميم وتصور لهذه الجرائم لمحاسبتهم كمجرمي حرب ،، وهم كل من :
اولا : الرئيس جورج بوش ووزير دفاعه دونالد رامسفيلد وبقية المسؤولين عن جريمة احتلال العراق .
ثانيا : رؤساء ووزراء الدول التي شاركت في غزو العراق 2003 دون اذن من مجلس الأمن الدولي .
ثالثا : كل المرتزقة العراقيين وغير العراقيين الذين شاركوا في الغزو العسكري 2003 ، ومن شاركوا لاحقا في إدارة الحكومات الصنيعة التي نصبتها قوات الإحتلال .
مع التقدير

منظمة كتاب عراقيون من أجل الحرية

لغرض اضافة التوقيع أنقر هنا :

The Million Signature Campaign


Indict War Criminals against Iraq in the International Criminal Court at The Hague

Dear Chief Prosecutor of the ICC:

It has now become more than explicit that the USA aggression against Iraq in March 2003 was entirely founded on a tissue of lies promulgated and publicized by the Administration of President Bush supported by Iraqi and Iranian collaborators whose illegitimate interests were on a par with those of the USA. The USA unprecedented crime of invading Iraq has caused widespread destruction and distress to Iraqi people, to some of whose highlights we call your kind attention:

First: The killing of approximately 1,000,000 innocent Iraqis in less than 6 years.
Second: The displacement of more than 6,000,000 Iraqis who have been either forced to leave their homes within the country or sought refuge in neighboring countries.
Third: The depleted uranium (DU) weaponry used against Iraq has created a destructive impact of unprecedented dimension on the environment and human population that is tantamount to genocide that will continue for very many years to come.
Fourth: The USA forces have committed various heinous war crimes against civilian Iraqis such as the notorious Abu-Ghraib tortures which run counter to all and every ethical code of manners.
Fifth: The continuation of arbitrary killing and arrest of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who legitimately counteract the occupation.
Sixth: The spread of unprecedented racial, sectarian and chauvinistic death-squad mentality all over a country that had never been an arena for such conflicting divisions prior to the USA aggression.

It follows that in view of the above-mentioned facts, we in the Organization of Iraqi Writers for Freedom (IWFFO) and the signatories below extend our earnest request to indict and call to court trial those individuals who had premeditatively planned and intend on the above-mentioned crimes and prosecute them as war criminals. Those Individuals are as follows:

First: the current president of the USA George W. Bush and the USA Secretary of Defense Ronald Rumsfeld together with those who took part in the crimes of the occupation of Iraq in March 2003.
Second: The Prime Ministers of the States and/or the Heads of the States who took part in the invasion of Iraq in 2003 without the consent of the United Nations Security Council.
Third: All the Iraqi and non-Iraqi mercenaries who took part in the military invasion of Iraq in 2003, and those who subsequently took part in the aggression from among the puppet government which the occupation forces had enforced and put in power in Iraq.

Respectively Yours,

IWFFO (Iraqi Writers for Freedom Organization)

Add your signature:



Ekim 2008

2003’te Irak ve İran İşbirlikçileri’nin yardımıyla Irak’ı İşgal eden ABD, işgal gerekçelerinin doğru olmadığı gün gittikçe kanıtlanıyor. Bu işgal sonucu ortaya çıkan yıkımlar aşağıdaki gibidir:

1. Beş yıl içerisinde yaklaşık Bir milyon masum Iraklı öldürüldü.
2. Altı milyon Iraklı yurtiçi ve yurtdışına göç etti.
3. Savaşta kullanılan kimyasal silahların etkisiyle meydana gelen çevre kirliliği milyonlarca yıl toplu katliamlara neden olabilir.
4. ABD güçlerinin ve Abu Garip hapishanesinde Iraklılara karşı yüzlerce cinayet işlenmiştir.
5. Yüz binlerce sivil masum Iraklıyı, işgale karşı oldukları gerekçesiyle öldürülmüştür.
6. ABD, Irak’ta ölüm timleri, etnik ve mezhep çatışması kültürünü yaymıştır.

Bizler, aşağıda imzaları bulunan “Özgürlük için Irak Yazarları Örgütü” üyeleri olarak yukarıda ABD’nin Irak’ta işledikleri cinayetlerden dolayı suçluları, Uluslararası Lahey Savaş Suçları Mahkemesi’nde Savaş Suçluları olarak yargılanmalarını istiyoruz. Bu suçlular:

1. ABD Başkanı Bush, ABD Milli Savunma Bakanı Ramsfeld ve diğer yetkililer,
2. 2003’ten sonra Uluslararası Güvenlik Konseyinden izinsiz Savaşa asker gönderen ülkelerin Cumhurbaşkanı ve bakanları,
3. 2003’ten sonra İşgale katılan Iraklı ve Iraklı olamayan işbirlikçileri ve suni hükümetlerde yöneticilik yapanlar.

Özgürlük için Irak Yazarları Örgütü

Adı ve Soyadı:


The Undersigned

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The The Million Signature Campaign Petition to Everyone was created by IWFFO (Iraqi Writers For Freedom Organization) and written by Jasim Arraseef ([email protected]). This petition is hosted here at http://www.PetitionOnline.com as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form.

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