الحوار المتمدن - موبايل
الموقع الرئيسي

رسالة اتحاد منظمات حقوق الانسان في الشرق الاوسط الى المنتدى 11 للسكان الاصليين/الامم المتحدة

سمير اسطيفو شبلا

2012 / 5 / 12
حقوق الانسان

رسالة اتحاد منظمات حقوق الانسان في الشرق الاوسط الغير حكومية الى المنتدى 11 للسكان الاصليين/الأمم المتحدة المنعقد في نيويورك للفترة من 8أيار ولغاية 17 منه، يطالب فيها بضرورة ايقاف الاضطهادات ونزيف الهجرة وايلاء الأمن والاستقرار من واجباتكم بالتعاون مع الاتحاد الحقوقي وكافة المنظمات الاخرى التي تؤمن بعراق موحد، من خلال اقامة مشاريع انسانية وخدمية تخص صحة المواطن وتعليمه وتثقيفه لكي يثبت في ارضه، واكدت الرسالة استعداد اتحادنا الحقوقي الكامل للتعاون التام معكم في تنفيذ اي مشروع يضع الاطمئنان والاستقرار في نفوس شعبنا
طيا نص الرسالة الموجهة الى المنتدى المذكور باللغة الانكليزية

Ladies and Gentlemen

Greetings of the International Committee for the Rights of Indigenous Mesopotamians –ICRIM and Non-Governmental Human Rights Court in the Middle East Presidency. Federation of Organizations for Human Rights NGOs in the Middle East - the 23 Organization of main and sub - means the rights of young people and women, students and children and the poor / health - education - environmentally,,,,

Infrastructure institutions in Iraq has been dismantled as known, as well as killed and displacements Iraqis, and Mesopotamian people where subjected to persecute with religious symbols, and threatening and killing them, attack and demolition churches, and bombing and killing many Iraqis.
After withdrawal U.S. Troops from Iraq, as human rights organizations defending our people ( joined to union of human rights organization in the Middle East NGOs another twenty two organizations) and with human rights activists in Iraq and Middle East to contribute effectively in the planning and development to reduce suffering our people especially children and youth, through the establishment projects between International Committee For The Rights of Indigenous Mesopotamians –ICRIM with organizations allied and the Economic Form Of UN SUCH AS Drug control center in the south, center and Nineveh to eliminate the disease and AIDS particularly and to maintain a clean environment with focus on psychological factor, work together one heart and common view to reduce suffering people in our homelands and dedication for world peace, So our organization demands are:

1- To maintain stability of our inherent people we need health, education projects, especially for children and youth, for instance establishment more than one Drug control center in Iraq and emphasize our proposal to be one center in the south/Nasiriyah, and in Baghdad, and in Nineveh. Our organizations with union of human rights organizations are ready for implement these projects successfully.

2- Iraqi unemployment rates exceeds 30% percentage, so when we establish small projects that means reduce migration that leads to demise our people in the native country. Funds have been allocated were about 4 Billion Dollars for expenses but with no implement, we do not know what happened except that part of them spent by terrorism, and kill our people , for that the human rights organizations union are fully ready to success implement those projects and stop migrant our people to another countries.
Thank you for your time and listening to us.

المنظمات المنضوية تحت خيمة الاتحاد Organizations that flocked under a tent Union

Khalida N Shabo
Presedency of ICRIM

التعليق والتصويت على الموضوع في الموقع الرئيسي

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