الحوار المتمدن - موبايل
الموقع الرئيسي

مختبر السرد السياحى (29) : السياحة هى فن صناعة الخبرة ومحزون الذكريات للسائحين

احمد قرة

2013 / 12 / 11
مقابلات و حوارات

ربما لايدرك الكثيرين صهوبة التقنيات السياحية لاعتماد اغلبهم على ادراكة الخاص وفهمة من خلال نظرتة للسياحة بصفة عامة ، ومحيطها الثقافى بصفة خاصة ، الى ان البعض قد يتصور انة لو ترك افكارة تنطلق فى التخمين ن او ما بطلق علية باللفة العامية العربية الفكاكة او الفخلومة ، ان يمتلك رشوتة لعلاج السياحة فى بلادة
ولكن الحقيقة ان الامر اعقد من ذلك بكثير ، كون ان صلب صناعة السياحة ليسن نجميع لعددا من التسهيلات والمنتجات السياحية جنبا لجنب ، مع لمسات من الحديث والمبتكر فى العالم ، ذلك لان صناعة السياحة هى صناعة الخبرة وصندق الذكريات ن وهذا هو مكمن الصعوبة ، فقد يعتقد الكثيرين من خلال التفارير المختلفة حول التفضيلات للسائحيين والاحتياجات الضرورية للمسافرين ، الا ان ذلك لايصنع الخبرة الايجابية المتوافقة مع توقعات السائحين او التى تفوق توقعاتهم
ولتاكيد ذلك يمكن ملاحظتة من خلال التقرير التالى :

Pan Pacific Serviced Suites Beach Road survey finds that electronic devices top travellers’ packing list. Around 90% of business travellers indicated that free Wi-Fi is the most important amenity an accommodation can provide to add a homely touch by connecting them with their loved ones back home.

SINGAPORE – A business traveller survey conducted by Pan Pacific Serviced Suites Beach Road found that most travellers cannot live without technological comforts while travelling. Surveying a pool of 100 frequent business travellers across the region, the study aimed to uncover what makes these travellers feel at home when abroad for an extended period of time.

Travel comforts
Out of the many things that business travellers can choose to bring along on trips, electronic devices such as laptops, tablets and music players emerged as must-have items. Favoured over personal keepsakes such as family photographs´-or-mementos, respondents indicated that these handy high-tech gadgets are reminders of home. Local delicacies including ready-to-cook pastes and pre-mixes came in at a close second.

Around 90% of business travellers indicated that free Wi-Fi is the most important amenity an accommodation can provide to add a homely touch by connecting them with their loved ones back home.

“The survey findings highlight a key experience trend that we’re already seeing. Business travellers today are expecting more than just a room for the night. Travelling long-term has its challenges and these travellers are seeking for that one place where they can recuperate and retain a sense of home while trying to cope with operating outside their regular comfort zone,” said Andrew Donadel, General Manager.

“At Pan Pacific Serviced Suites Beach Road, guests are treated to thoughtful quality offerings and personalised delivery including complimentary Wi-Fi and access to our team of 24-hour Personal Assistants. Everything has been designed to give guests and residents a home advantage.”

Staying Fit on the Road
The survey also showed that keeping fit is a key component in many business travellers’ itinerary. Even while on the road, over 50% of travellers aim to keep up with their regular fitness routine. Around a third of travellers surveyed actually kick-start their workouts within 24 hours of settling in their new working environment. It comes as no surprise that top notch fitness centres and swimming pools are highly regarded as one of the most important facilities an accommodation can offer to add a homely touch.

Moving to a new continent, country´-or-city can be overwhelming and the survey showed that most travellers will only start feeling a sense of belonging after becoming very well-acquainted with their surroundings. Visiting the local markets and stores, learning about the local culture and public transportation system as well as discovering a great cafe´-or-restaurant for regular meals – these are all things that truly make a destination feel more like home.

Home-Away-From-Home at Pan Pacific Serviced Suites Beach Road
Seamlessly translating hotel-style hospitality into an extended-stay experience, Pan Pacific Serviced Suites Beach Road offers tailored services and quality offerings including elegantly designed suites, well-equipped kitchenette, complimentary Wi-Fi, state-of-the-art fitness centre and rooftop swimming pool, providing the perfect “home-away-from-home” experience.

Ideally situated at the vibrant enclave of Beach Road and Haji Lane, the prime location offers a wide selection of local cuisine and unique shops at the guests’ doorstep – allowing travellers to fully satiate their cultural curiosity. Along with the help of the 24-hour Personal Assistants to help connect residents to business and social networks, residents will soon know the surrounding sights and sounds like the back of their hands.

التقرير السابق يمثل النظرة المجردة للتسهيلات والتفضيلات التى يتصور الكثيرين ان بخا نعزيزا للسياحة ، ولكن الامر لايتعلق بوجود تلك التسهيلات، انما يتعلق بالمعادلة والحرقية فى تقنيات السرد التى بخا تصنع الخبرة الايجابية وتعزز مكانتها داخل مكونات ذاكرة السائحيين وتحولهم بعد انتهاء الزيارة لمقصد ما الى مجرد محفزين وداعمين مجانيين لهذا المقصد واهم المروجين لة ن بتوصياتهم عنة لاصدقاءهم
وهى المعادلة هى سر الصنعة للسردية السياحية ، والتى تحتاج دائما لاكثر من العلم بل تحتاج الى الموهبة ، والخبرة وهى بالطبع نادرة وليست متاحة فى كل الاوقات

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