الحوار المتمدن - موبايل
الموقع الرئيسي

هذا كتاب آخر مفتوح موجه الى -مارك زوكيربيرج- - صاحب ورئيس شركة فيسبوك

ميشيل حنا الحاج

2016 / 1 / 14
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية

هذا الكتاب:
يتضمن احتجاجا على قيام ادارة فيسبوك بوضع حظر على نشر مقالاتي المنتقدة للدولة الاسلامية - داعش (ISIS) لما في ذلك من حد لحرية الرأي والقول والفكر والصحافة التي تضمنها حقوق الانسان، كما يضمنها التعديل الأول للدستور الأميركي.

Amman – Jordan 14th of January, 2016
Mr Mark Zuckerberg
President of Facebook company,

Dear Sir,
I am sorry to bother you with this complaint related to the unusual behavior by some of your staff working at your world-wide company.
Last Friday 9th of Jan. 2016, after posting a political article in about sixty groups that I am member of , I received a note from a Facebook employee telling me that I am banned from publishing on the pages of the groups till 06:23 PM on Tuesday 12th January 2016. As a result, all my attempts to carry on publishing on such pages, failed and I could not even publish comments replying to some comments from my readers.
The three days restriction passed without any action from your end to terminate it, though I published an open letter addressed to you, which was also published on various social media websites, including Twitter, Google, and several others. In fact a previous complaint was even sent to your Facebook message, but apparently you do not read your page on Facebook, probably (jut probably) busy with other matters such as counting the billions of dollars you gathered so far from your Facebook invention which it is a great invention.
The moment the restriction ended , I began to publish another article commenting on the suicide attack in Istanbul – Turkey, explaining that those suicidal attackers are doing so, because they were brain washed by ISIS, and told that the moment they die by accomplishing their suicide mission, they will not die in fact, but they will go immediately to heaven where 70 beautiful girls (huriyah) will be waiting for them to give their the ultimate pleasure (I don’t want to say what kind of pleasure). I concluded that it is time for the Azhar (A semi Vatican to Muslims) to interfere by broadcasting counter lectures explaining to ISIS suicidal Muslims that this is not right, and committing such acts against innocent civilians, will actually take you to hell where there will be seventy devils waiting to torture you for killing innocent people.
After publishing this article to few pages of some of the groups, I received, just few minutes before midnight of Tuesday – Wednesday, yet another note saying I am restricted (again) from publishing to the groups, and the restrictions will last till Saturday 11:23 midnight. The lifting of restriction lasted only six hours´-or-less.
Accordingly I sent a prompt complaint against this, assuming that one of these groups, ´-or-just a member in one of them, didn’t like what I wrote and sent a complain claiming that I AM PUBLIHING SPAM ´-or-something like that. My note explained that this is not true´-or-correct. I will add that I am a public figure. 80 years old, graduate of Law School (which means I know my Legal rights), worked in TV Journalism for 55 years where I was always told not to publish anything unless I received confirmation about the contents from THREE DIFFERENT SOURCES. I also added that I published various books, out of which three are political and on ISIS, describing the horrors they committed including cutting heads, killing prisoners of war (violating Geneva 4 convention), selling Christian women as slaves , and more of such acts against humanity.
Two of these books, are now available at The Congress - WASHINGTON D.C. Library, also at libraries of at least 27 respected major American Universities including the library of Harvard University. Do you think that any of these Universities will put my books on their shelves and making them available to the readers and students, if the contents were SPAM? The third book has just been published and will be available as of 27th Jan. (within the next few days) at The Cairo International Book Fair, and these American Universities will buy it, as they did last year, and add it to the collection of their books in their libraries.
As a result of this long message, I received on mid-day of Wednesday 13th Jan, a message from Facebook saying that the restriction on publishing was lifted. So I started after an hour´-or-so, to try to publish again on the pages of the groups I belong to. But suddenly the reminder about the restriction appeared again prevented the written article to go through. This was really strange. Am I restricted´-or-not restricted? ,and who in the Facebook Administration decided to re impose the restriction after lifting it for six hours only on Tuesday? then imposing it again on midnight of Wednesday?? Is it because of complaints against me from one of the groups,´-or-from a member (who doesn’t like´-or-approve what I write against ISIS)? ´-or-could it be (I guess only) a member of your staff in Facebook who likes ISIS,´-or-is affected by their Mongol type beliefs, and thus acting on his own to protect ISIS (his idol) from being criticized??? I hope that this is not the case.
In another message to your Support Department, I reminded them the urgent need for investigating and finding the person involved before making such quick and prompt decisions of imposing restrictions based on one complaint (if there was a complaint), besides the need to wait for three complains at least. More Important, I reminded them that imposing restrictions on publishing my views, is in violation of the first Amendment of the USA constitution which guarantees the rights of free thinking, writing, publishing, besides the freedom of the press.
I honestly encourage you - as a protective measure, to study the behavior of your employees and to find the person among them who is affected by the ideas of ISIS. Because if this is possible´-or-true - you will be (though you are an American company) violating constitutional rights, the freedom of the press, in addition to contradicting the wishes of your government, (unless you didn’t have time to listen to President Obama’s speech of the -union- Situation, when he urged in his speech in the Congress, to authorize him to fight against ISIS.
Please find a little time to read this complaint and to take action about preventing me from publishing my ideas and thoughts against Daesh – ISIS as based on my right to freedom of speech, in addition to being a deep rooted desire of the international community to fight such a brutal, inhuman organization.
For the time being I am not going to send a copy of this letter to the U.N. secretary general, to the Human Rights committee, To the White House, to the Press and to many others. But if this restriction continues, I shall be obliged to do so. I even (though just returned from USA a few months ago) will fly back again to the States and defend my right to speak freely, through the US congress, the White House and the United Nations in New York.
Please read, react and act immediately.
With kindest regards.
Michel Hanna Haj

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