الحوار المتمدن - موبايل
الموقع الرئيسي

What is Anfal?As a result grove

سمير اسطيفو شبلا

2016 / 4 / 15
مواضيع وابحاث سياسية

What is Anfal?As a result grove
Samir S . Shabilla


The Iraqi military adopted the name Anfal in 1988 for its genocidal campaign against the Kurds in northern Iraq. The Iraqi regime was used to adopt old Arabic Islamic names for its wars, battles´-or-other related subjects. For instance, the regime named a battle against Iran “the battle of Saad bn al-Waqass,” named a division as “the division of Qahqah,” and the like. In addition, the eight year long war against Iran was called the “alQadissiat al-Saddam.” Qadissia is an Arabic name and the name of a battle against nonMuslims from the early Islamization period. Baath ideology looked at the early Islamic hegemony´-or-the Caliphate period as the golden age of the Arab nation.
The Baath regime justified and gave religious explanations for the genocidal policy by adopting the Islamic name Anfal from the Qur an for its genocidal campaign. Anfal and the Islamic attacks against the unbelievers during the early Islamization periods are known as the liberation battles by Muslims. In this way, the Iraqi government compared the Kurds with non-Muslims/unbelievers and tried to justify the campaign from an Islamic view. The old Anfal from the seventh century demanded victory over unbelievers-;- encouraged the destruction of their faiths and religious cultures-;- and 1 Human Rights Watch (1994),
“Bureaucracy of Repression: The Iraqi Government in Its Own Words”, section VIII, available at http://www.hrw.org/reports/1993/iraqanfal. 2 Aflaq, Michel (1978), For the Sake of the Baath, available at http://albaath.online.fr/VolumeVChapters/index-VolumeV.htm (Arabic). 7 permitted prowling, looting and possession of the enemy’s articles, items and material goods (see appendix 1). The Iraqi Baath regime practiced a similar style against the Kurds from the forbidden areas. They looted the items and other material goods of the villagers, killed´-or-prowled house animals, destroyed and burned the villages, and brought the villagers to complexes, jails and killing places as witnesses describe.3 The very concept “Anfal” under the Baath rule, and according to Saddam’s regime’s decrees, -dir-ectives and actions, could be defined as a military campaign in geared toward entirely annihilating the Kurds in prohibited areas, which were large rural areas where Kurdish partisans could be found. The 1988 Anfal campaign was initiated by Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq (1979-2003). A cousin of Saddam Hussein, Ali Hassan alMajid (“Chemical Ali”), led the implementation of the military campaign.
The campaign included eight comprehensive military offensives that lasted from February 23 to September 6, 1988. During the offensives, the Iraqi Army used chemical weapons and other heavy artilleries.

He bombed the city of Halabja in 1988, while the war against Iran is nearing an end. The Kurdish fighters seized Halabja, in the Kurdish mountains of the Iraqi army responded by bombing the Kurds were forced to withdraw to the surrounding hills.

On March 16 an Iraqi fighter jets flew over the area for five hours and dropped a mixture of mustard gas, sarin and nerve gases. The bombing inflicted five thousand people, mostly women and children, and thousands of wounded. In January 2010 sentenced to death and executed judgment against Ali Hassan al-Majid, nicknamed "Chemical Ali," a cousin of President Saddam Hussein, who is responsible for this massacre.

In 2007, he sentenced a Dutch businessman in the Netherlands to appeal 17-year prison sentence on charges of conspiracy to commit war crimes for the delivery of Baghdad chemicals in the eighties of the last century, and he knows that it will be used to produce chemical weapons.

We are inside the Anfal
On February 19, 2016, where Human Rights Network delegation visited the Middle East, the historic town of Barzan, we visited the tomb of the late Barzani s father, then we live with the martyrs of the Anfal, including five Christians, we were hosted by Sheikh Kalat Abdullah Barzani, and so considered Anfal crime against humanity, a crime of genocide collective

We as a network of human rights stand bow to these pure blood that was without them for what they Kurdistan today enjoy peace, safety and harmony of intellectual when it comes to Kurdish nationalism back to the future independence

The result germinated and Rod multi-smelling blossoms in an orchard Barzan / Anfal

We are with you and your rights because you are right

Erbil /Eankawa 14 / April 2016

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