الحوار المتمدن - موبايل
الموقع الرئيسي

A New Apology of Socrates دفاع جديد عن سقراط

محمد عبد الكريم يوسف
مدرب ومترجم وباحث

(Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef)

2024 / 3 / 31
الادب والفن

A New Apology of Socrates
دفاع جديد عن سقراط
Mohammad A. Yousef

In the bustling city of Athens, long ago,
There lived a man named Socrates, whom many did not know.
A philosopher, thinker, and teacher was he,
Challenging beliefs and seeking truth relentlessly.

With a self-effacing manner and a probing mind,
Socrates questioned the status quo of his time.
He challenged the beliefs of the gods and the state,
And for this, he faced a tragic fate.

Accused of corrupting the youth with his ideas,
Socrates stood trial, confronting his fears.
In a courtroom filled with anger and hate,
He defended himself, refusing to abate.

"I am not a corrupter, but a seeker of truth,"
Socrates declared, in the prime of his youth.
He argued that it was his duty to question,
To challenge beliefs and provoke reflection.

His method was simple, yet profound,
Asking questions that turned beliefs upside down.
He sought to uncover the truth within each soul,
And in the process, he paid the ultimate toll.

For his ideas threatened the power of the state,
And so Socrates met his tragic fate.
Sentenced to death, he drank the hemlock with grace,
A martyr for truth in a corrupt time and place.

But in the centuries that have passed since then,
Socrates legacy lives on, inspiring men.
His words still resonate, his ideas still debated,
A testament to the power of a mind not sedated.

So let us remember Socrates, the courageous and wise,
Who challenged authority and dared to defy.
In a world filled with ignorance and hate,
His defense of truth remains ever great.

In the ancient city of Athens,
Where wisdom and knowledge reigned supreme,
There lived a man named Socrates,
Whose teachings were the stuff of dreams.

He wandered through the city streets,
Engaging all in dialogue profound,
Questioning the nature of existence,
Challenging beliefs that were deeply bound.

His method was a simple one,
To question all and seek the truth,
To uncover the hidden knowledge,
That lay cloaked in the hearts of youth.

But his wisdom was seen as a threat,
To the powers that ruled the land,
And so they brought him to trial,
With false accusations at hand.

They charged him with corrupting the youth,
And denying the gods of the state,
Yet Socrates remained steadfast,
In his quest for wisdom so great.

He stood before the court with grace,
Defending himself with eloquence rare,
He argued for the value of knowledge,
And the importance of truth laid bare.

But the verdict was swift and harsh,
They sentenced him to death by hemlock,
For daring to question the status quo,
And challenge the beliefs of the flock.

Yet in his final moments,
Socrates did not waver´-or-fear,
He faced his fate with dignity,
Knowing his legacy would persevere.

For in his words and teachings,
He left a lasting impact on all,
Inspiring generations to come,
To seek knowledge and wisdom s call.

And so we offer this apology,
To Socrates for his unjust end,
For in his sacrifice and wisdom,
He became a timeless friend.

May we honor his memory,
And strive for truth with every breath,
For Socrates, the philosopher,
Will live on in life and death.

التعليق والتصويت على الموضوع في الموقع الرئيسي

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