الحوار المتمدن - موبايل
الموقع الرئيسي

قصص حقيقية في النصب والاحتيال عبرالانترنيت 1 - 5

خليل الجنابي

2007 / 1 / 24
تقنية المعلمومات و الكومبيوتر

قصص حقيقية في النصب وألإحتيال
عبر شبكة الانترنيت 1 - 5
للامكانيات الهائلة التي يبيحها الدخول الى عالم الانترنيت ,اصبح كل شئ في متناول
اليد , والحصول على المعلومات مهما كانت اصبحت هي الاخرى سهلة وسريعة , وهناك
العشرات بل المئات يعملون بشكل فردي او على شكل عصابات ومتوزعين في كل القارات
تقريبا همهم النصب والاحتيال على المؤسسات والشركات الكبرى والصغرى والبنوك الحكومية
والاهلية وكذلك الافراد والدخول في مواقعهم وملفاتهم وارقام حساباتهم وسرقة من يقع تحت
ايديهم وتحويل الاموال من مكان الى آخر لغرض التشويش على اماكنها والقائمين بها ,
وكثيرا ما نستلم رسائل عن طريق ال (e-mail يدعي اصحابها امتلاك مبالغ طائلة تقدر
بالملايين من الدولارات الامريكية والباونات الانكليزية وغيرها !! , والانسان الساذج والبسيط
يقع في حبائل هذه الادعاءات ويرسل اليهم معلومات عنه وعن رقم حسابه المصرفي وفي
النهاية تقع المصيبة بان مالديه من اموال قد تم سحبها دون علمه , وهذا ماحدث ويحدث فعلاً .
واليك عزيزي القارئ بعض هذه الرسائل للاطلاع عليها :
الرسالة الاولى
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Auditing and Accounting Unit
Foreign Operations Department
Alternative E-MAIL ([email protected])

Dear Director,
I am Dr. ZUMA BELLO one of the Directors in charge of Auditing and Accounting section, AMALGAMATED BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA (ABSA) and also Chairman of Investigating and Auditing Department of this Bank. With due respect and regard, I have decided to contact you on a Business Transaction that will be very beneficial to both of our families and us in future.
During our Investigation and Auditing in this Bank, my department came across a very huge sum of money belonging to one Deceased Mr. Morris Thompson 61 years, of Fairbanks, Alaska America who died on January 31st 2000 with Alaska Airlines Flight 261.You can as well confirm it by yourself through under stated Website of the incident
and if you want to know more about the man himself, you can check
As the fund has been dormant in his account with this Bank without any claim of the fund in our custody either from his family or relation because he did not indicate any next of kin to this account incase of death such as these.
Although personally, I keep this information secret within myself and partners to enable the whole plans and idea be profitable and successful during the time of execution. The said amount is U.S $21.5m (Twenty One Million, five hundred thousand United States Dollars).
As it may interest you to know, I got your impressive information through one of my good friends who work with Chamber of Commerce on foreign business relations here in South Africa though I did not disclose the deal to him.
Meanwhile as a Senior Staff in this bank, and the Director of Auditing and Accounting, I have in my possession all the necessary documents to perfect this deal by making you the bonafide next of kin/Partner whom this money will be transferred into your account.
I need your assistance and co-operation to get this deal done. Because as a foreigner, you stand a better position to be presented through documentation as the next of kin/Partner since the deceased is also a foreigner, this is the reason why I could not do this deal alone as a citizen of South Africa and a Blackman as well.
I will not fail to inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free. On smooth Conclusion of this transaction, you will be entitled to 33% of the total sum as gratification, while 5% will be set aside to take care of expenses that may arise during the time of transfer and also telephone bills, while 62% will be for me
Please, you have been advised to keep this "Top Secret" as we are still in service and intend to retire from service after we conclude this deal with you. And I assure you that this transaction will not last more than 10 working days and you confirm the money in your account.
I will be monitoring the whole situation here in this bank until you confirm the money in your account. And ask us to come down to your country for subsequent sharing of the fund according to percentages previously indicated and further investment, either in your country or any country you advice us to invest in.
All other necessary vital information will be sent to you when I hear from you. I suggest you get back to me as soon as possible stating your wish in this deal. I am expecting your urgent reply as soon as you receive this message. Please send your response through my alternative email addresses below for security measures ([email protected])
Best Regards,

التعليق والتصويت على الموضوع في الموقع الرئيسي

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